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A bold statement for sure, but one that we live by. We believe that great things have small beginnings, and it starts with the individual. To achieve our purpose, we place a strong emphasis on building character and values, in addition to skill and physical health.


(Our traditional martial arts curriculum even includes a deeper exploration into classical virtues and related topics such as temperance, courage, and fear.)


Japan Fest 2017
HMNS Samurai Exhibit Demo 2014
Kono Sensei Seminar 2012
Japan Fest 2012
Shihan Moti Nativ Seminar 2014
Shuriken Seminar 2010
HMNS Star Wars Demo 2015
Self-defense Fundraiser 2015
Japan Fest 2017
Self-Defense FUNdraiser 2014
MACA 2015 - Group Photo


Giving back to the community is one of the pillars of our school and we are the proud founders of the Martial Arts Charity Alliance (MACA). Using MACA, we unite martial artists of different backgrounds under one banner to raise funds for numerous causes (e.g. cancer awareness, impoverished countries).


Our school also holds demos at large events such as the Houston Japan Festival and the Museum of Natural Science Samurai exhibit.


We often host and attend seminars that feature notable teachers from the Bujinkan and other arts. Students are encouraged to learn and gain new experiences at every opportunity.




The School of Smiling Tiger is fully dedicated to the proper study of Traditional Japanese Taijutsu and Jujutsu. This encompasses armed and unarmed techniques contained in the 9 Schools (Ryuha) of the Bujinkan organization as well as other Japanese systems such as Asayama Ichiden Ryu and Daito Ryu. Students of our traditional curriculum are also taught formal Japanese etiquette and language as it pertains to the martial arts. We maintain a strong connection with the Bujinkan headquarters in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan.



Our school absolutely honors the traditions and ways of old, but we also focus on how martial arts can be applied to the modern lifestyle and environment. We regularly delve into the application of traditional techniques using commonly available items such as cell phones, books, pens, and magazines.


Our FightFit program is constantly being improved to combine key elements of fitness and self-defense into one package. This is a comprehensive program that will fit into a busy schedule by allowing people to learn how to defend themselves and exercise at the same time.



Our dojo is committed to the understanding of the Warrior Virtues through the physical training of Budo and the application of Ninpo. We are dedicated to the protection of our families, our loved ones, our communities, our country, and our world as a whole. With this training comes the understanding of the ever vigilant will to protect what is right and principled. We train to become Guardians of a greater purpose; wherever we are, people are that much safer.

Mission Statement
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